–cranialacademy.org The Cranial Academy Website
–originalosteopathy.com a research website by Arash Jacob, DO
–hsc.unt.edu/orc The Osteopathic Research Center
–jaoa.org The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association’s Website
–osteopathic.org American Osteopathic Association
–academyofosteopathy.org American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO)
–sctf.com The Sutherland Cranial Teaching Foundation
–jamesjealous.com The Biodynamics of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field
–drweil.com Dr. Weil covers Osteopathy in general
–academyofosteopathy.org Autobiography of AT Still, Philosophy of Osteopathy, Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy, and Osteopathy Research and Practice: Books by Osteopathy’s Founder AT Still MD.
–drweil.com Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil, MD
–Touch of Life by Robert Fulford, DO. A book describing the depth of Osteopathy by one of its masters
–Healing and The Natural World, An article covering an interview with Jim Jealous, DO in Alternative Therapies –Osteopathic Care of Children by Donald Hankinson, DO